You spend lots of waking hours staring at a computer desktop. So why not customize it and make it more productive? The computer desktop is not your virtual home, but much more like a real home, and customizing it according to your style and needs can give you some positive energy. (Related article: SuperRepo: The Easiest Way to Customize Kodi).
You can simply head over to Display Properties of your computer and select color, screen saver or even you can use material design wallpaper but that’s not enough if you want to go hardcore in desktop customization.
Check out: How to Change Windows 10 Desktop Background
In upcoming lines, you’re going to read about best desktop customization software that helps you in providing a sleek, clean and cool look to your desktop. Whether you want to completely pimp out your desktop interface or just want to add the stunning desktop background to your screen. You can do everything using these software’s.
Warning: The more you go into desktop customization, the chances are high that your system may show your unexpected behaviour, especially when you change files of the system. So it’s highly recommended to make backup of your system before start doing any customization.
So why don’t you start checking the tool that helps you to customize your desktop no matter what operating you’re using:
Note: All the software’s mentioned in upcoming lines work on Windows OS. Soon will update software for Mac and Linux. Article is still in progress
1 . Rainmeter

is one of the most popular desktop customization and system monitor tool. Using this tool, you can customize your desktop beyond your imaginations. Rainmeter displays customizable skins which include, battery power and memory, weather forecast and RSS right on your desktop.
You can also check my previous article on best Rainmeter skins to grab some awesome skins to enhance your desktop.
2. Samurize
Similar to Rainmeter, Samurize is another system monitoring and desktop customization tool available for Windows OS. This tool is dedicated to overclockers, IT professional, games and desktop modders. You can use Samurize for weather reports, system information, news headlines and much more.
3. RocketDock

RocketDock is an alpha blended and a smooth animated application launcher. It provides you clean and nice interface where you can easily drop shortcuts so that you can access the application easily. Every item is completely customizable, so there is no end what you can add what you can launch from the dock.
4. Emerge Desktop

Emerge Desktop is a replacement or alternate Windows shell available for Windows Operating System. You can use emergeTray, a system tray that lets you replace Window Explorer as Shell. Using this, you can also get access to different user programs just by making a right click on desktop, via emergeCore
5. AutoHotKey

AutoHotKey is free to use automation software for Windows that let you automate repetitive tasks.The language itself is capable of doing lots of customization. With the help of it, you can easily add keyboard shortcuts for anything, transform window transparency and lot more.
6. Fences

If your desktop have lots of shortcuts and icon and you’re too much lazy to organize, then you can try Fences, that let you arrange the desktop shortcuts and icon in a very organized way. For the first time, the application will automatically organize your icons into different dark tabs, but you still do lots of things manually.
7. Stick

With the help of Stick you can organize your computer desktop with amazingly news technique which uses the tab concept. It basically comes with three types of tabs which include News Feed, Notes, and Navigator. Notes and News Feed tabs are self-explanatory one’s, but Navigator is really interesting, the good thing is that you can use it head over to your existing folders or serve as a web browser.
8. Tiles

Tiles is another desktop enhancement software by Stardock using which you can quickly view and manage your application just by viewing at the edge of your desktop screen. With the help of tiles, you can drag any file, folder or software you open often and lot more.
9. Dexpot

With the help of Dexpot, Windows users can easily hold several virtual desktops for placing a set of different application. Like you can put all your designing related software into one virtual desktop while your favorite games on other. This software is really helpful if you different types of projects or jobs running on. You can easily create and switch between the virtual desktop.
10. ObjectDock

So you really love Mac OS X’s docking bar and want it on your desktop, then its possible with the help of ObjectDock. This application provides you dock with same functions to the Mac’s docking bar. According to my personal experience, this dock app is much batter and beautiful than Mac’s dock! You can add apps in the folder, display running apps, adjust their zoom sizes and effects.
11. MyFolder

Suppose while working on your computer, you need to move files and folder to make the desktop neat and clean or well organized, then you can use MyFolder, as it provides you the folder destination in the context menu just by making a right click. Now this application will really help you to save lots of desktop space.
12. Windows Blind

If you’re bored of default Windows borders and icons, then you can customize it using Windows blind, as it helps your to provide the desktop which is completely your.
13. WindowsFX

WindowFX is all in one tool that lets you super charge your Windows experience. Using this, you can reliable and polished enhancement capabilities. It provides you wobbly window animations, desktop icon display control, start menu animations and lot more.
14. XWidget

XWidget is another freeware desktop customization tool which is light, and very useful. It’s also featuring visual widget editor and very smooth animations. Using the widgets provided by Xwidgets, you will definitely improve the screen the way it looks.
15. SharpEnviro

SharpEnviro is an open source shell replacement for Windows 0S. It takes your Windows desktop and remixes it beautifully. It provides your desktop a new and more powerful environment by providing modern and advanced desktop features. Whether its system tray, the taskbar, launcher menu, and desktop everyone has its own work to do.
16. Launchy

Launchy is a free to use cross-platform software that lets you forget about your start menu, your file manager and even icons on your desktop. What this tool do is, index all the application and program available in your start menu and launch the project files, documents, bookmarks, folder with the help of few keystrokes.
17. KDE for Windows

The KDE on Windows is an amazing project whose aim is to port the KDE application to MS Windows. Using this tool, you can easily use some of your favorite and best Linux apps on Windows PC without rebooting your system.
18. GKrellM

GKreIIM is system monitor tool which is based on the GTK+ toolkit. This tool helps to manage multiple stacked monitors just with a single process. Using this tool you can apply themes which exactly match monitor appearance. It also charts SMP CPUs, load active net interface, disks, and internet connection.
19. LiteStep

LiteStep is a lean and modular shell replacement desktop for Windows. This tool shell let you create custom desktop interfaces which look more useful and eye-catching. With this modular structure, you can remove or add any aspect of the desktop interface.
20. Cairo for Windows

Cairo is another alternative to Rainmeter well known as Windows shell replacement. The shell is environment provided to computer using which you can launch applications, browse files, and interact with the computer. The current Windows shell is the taskbar, the start menu and in Windows vista, it’s translucent window border.
Why don’t you try all of them and let us know names of the software which you used to customize your desktop. You also suggest some other software in the comment.